Thursday, December 25, 2008

updates on S.H.E

【明報專訊】台灣組合S.H.E前晚於尖沙嘴《廣東道聖誕Street Party》跟過萬名市民一同歡度平安夜及倒數迎接聖誕節。S.H.E壓軸出場,一口氣演唱多首快歌炒熱氣氛,她們更站在2層高的升降台與人群拉近距離。到倒數一刻,她們聯同黃貫中、林宥嘉 糖兄妹與市民大玩人浪,Ella更帶頭落台與市民握手,氣氛高漲,但她們被現場爆發的煙火巨響嚇了一跳。而Ella在聖誕許願是覓得真心愛她的人。被爆發煙火巨響嚇親. 聖誕倒數後,S.H.E表示好感動,加上活動籌得20萬元捐贈香港血癌基金,讓病患者得到照顧,甚有意義,心靈好滿足及富裕。談及被煙火嚇親?她們說沒料到煙火會在頭頂位置爆發,笑言其實她們是好怕煙火的藝人。
揚言與陳楚河屬好友. 早前Ella被拍到與陳楚河一齊,她說大家是好朋友而已,但最近陳楚河又被拍到與另一個呢!至於Selina被問到有否傳SMS給緋聞的律師男友?她說沒有,因工作好忙。


Thursday, September 4, 2008






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Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Jiro Wang 汪東城

在水一方- Jiro Wang

在水一方 - Jiro Wang

綠草蒼蒼 白霧茫茫
有位佳人 在水一方

綠草萋萋 白霧迷離
有位佳人 靠水而居

我願逆流而上 依偎在她身旁
無奈前有險灘 道路又遠又長
我願順流而下 找尋她的方向
卻見依稀彷彿 她在水的中央

我願逆流而上 與她輕言細語
無奈前有險灘 道路曲折無疑
我願順流而下 找尋她的蹤跡
卻見彷佛依悉 她在水中佇立

Zai Shui Yi Fang - Jiro Wang

lu cao cang cang bai wu mang mang
you wei jia ren zai shui yi fang

lu cao qi qi bai wu mi li
you wei jia ren kao shui er ju

wo yuan ni liu er shang yi wei zai ta sheng pang
wu nei qian you xian tan dao lu you yuan you chang
wo yuan shun liu er xia zhao xun ta de fang xiang
que jian yi xi fang fu ta zai shui de zhong yang

wo yuan ni liu er shang yu ta qing yan xi yu
wu nei qian you xian tan dao lu qu ze wu yi
wo yuan shun liu er xia zhao xun ta de zong ji
que jian fang fu yi xi ta zai shui zhong zhu li

The Water Side - Jiro Wang

The grass is flourishing, the fog is dense
The woman I like is on the other side of the water

The grass is flourishing, the fog is magical
The woman I like lives by the water

I will go against current to be by her side
However, there is dangerous beach and the road is far and long
I will follow the current to look for her
She seems to be in the center of the water

I will go against current to whisper to her
However, there is dangerous beach and the road is absolutely difficult to walk
I will follow the current to look for her
She seems to be waiting at the center of the water

The X Family 終極一家

Friday, August 22, 2008

不會愛 - 飛輪海

不會愛 - 飛輪海


耳機他輕輕吻我耳朵 愛情更聽不完

你不會愛 我的愛 我明白
妳的最愛 那一塊 哪天我才存在
我不會愛 妳的愛 受傷害
所以寧願 安靜的等待


愛你我慢不下來 沒有哪一天例外
跟自己比快 我會趕上你未來

Bu Hui Ai - Fahrenheit

zhi hao rang li wu an jing tang zai wo kou dai
yi bian kan zhe ni gen ta kuai le liao dao xiao kai
dan you qing liang zi bu zu xing rong wo qing gan
xin qing dou sui ni zhuan wan

er ji ta qing qing wen wo er duo ai qing gen ting bu wan
shi he wo men de cong bu shi lang man

ni bu hui ai wo de ai wo ming bai
ni de zui ai na yi kuai na tian wo cai chun zai
wo bu hui ai ni de ai shou shang hai
suo yi ning yuan an jing de deng dai

zhi sheng xia bing leng kong qi pei wo yi zheng wan
ji muo que duo dao sai che gen ben wu fa dong tan
yi fan shen wo zai ban ye tu ran jiu xing lai
meng li ni de chun rou ruan

ai ni wo man bu xia lai mei you na yi tian li wai
gen zi ji bi kuai wo hui gan shang ni wei lai

Will Not Love - Fahrenheit

It's best to let the gift lie peacefully in my pocket
At the same time you and him are joyfully chatting
But this word friendship cannot describe my emotions
Moods are up to you to decide

The earphone gently kisses my ear, listens to endless love
What suits us is never romantic

You cannot love, my love, I understand
The one you love the most, that spot, when will I be there?
I cannot love, your love is hurt
Therefore I'd rather wait peacefully

Only cold air is left to accompany me the whole night
Loneliness is like a traffic jam unable to move
I turn over and suddenly I'm awake in the middle of the night
In the dream your lips are soft

I cannot slow down loving you, everyday is no exception
Quicker than myself I will be able to catch up with your future

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

願意不愛你- 炎亞綸


十字街道做背景 寒風當道具
記憶中那場相遇 還如此清晰

溫馨片段沒整理 已經來不及
深情像片碎玻璃 散落在眼底


快樂點滴沒整理 已經來不及
再見說得那麼輕 就好像空氣

Yuan Yi Bu Ai Ni

shi zi jie dao zuo bei jing han feng dao dao ju
qi fen men de jiu xiang yao xia yu
wo zai deng hui yi guang lin
ji yi zhong na chang xiang yu hai ru ci qing xi
zen me zhuan yan jiu mian dui fen li

wen xin pian duan mei zheng li yi jing lai bu ji
ni shuo you wo nuan guo de shou xin
xian zai tie zhe bie de xin
shen qing xiang pian po bo li san luo zai yan di
shan zhe jing ying que ye tong le zhi ji

wo yuan yi bu ai ni
yin wei suo you kuai le bei shang dou na me duo yu
wo yuan yi bu ai ni
tong jiu fang zai xin li bu you guan bi bu xu yao quan yu

kuai le dian di mei zheng li yi jing lai bu ji
ni shuo shu yu wo men de hui yi
ni dou bu neng gou ji xu
zai jian shuo de na me qing jiu xiang kong qi
ke shi wei she me wo wu fa hu xi
wo yuan yi bu ai ni
yi hou suo you kuai le dou tu shang qi me ji yi
wo yuan yi bu ai ni
cong ci jiu jiang hui yi dian di zhi jie zhu she zai xin li

Willing to not love you

Crossroad as background, cold wind as props
The mood is so heavy like it's going to rain
I'm waiting for memories to come
That encounter is so fresh in my memory
How could it suddenly turn into separation?

No time to organize the heartwarming scenes
You say the hands I warmed
They are now on someone else's heart
Love is like broken glass scattered in the eyes
Sparkling with brightness yet hurtful to oneself

I'm willing to not love you
Because all the happiness and sadness are useless
I'm willing to not love you
Leave the pain in the heart, don't close it, no need to heal it

No time to organize all the happy moments
You say the memories of ours
You can't continue with them
Goodbye is said so gently like it's air
Yet why can't I breath
I'm willing to not love you
All the happiness will be marked with sadness
I'm willing to not love you
From now on, directly inject each memory inside the heart

Calvin Chen 辰亦儒

Name: 辰亦儒 / Chen Yi Ru
English name: Calvin
Real Name: 陳奕儒 / Chen Yi Ru
Profession: Actor and singer
Birthdate: 1980-Nov-10
Birthplace: Taiwan
Height: 184cm
Weight: 65kg
Star sign: Scorpio
Blood type: A
Music group: Fahrenheit (飛輪海)

Calvin Chen Yi Ru 辰亦儒, is currently a member of the popular Taiwanese boyband Fahrenheit. His stage name is actually a homophone of his birth name.

Calvin was born on November 10, 1980 in Taiwan. After graduating from Jianguo High School, one of the top high schools in Taiwan, he further pursued his college education in Canada, where he completed his masters degree in Economics at the University of Victoria. He then futher continued his life in Canada by joining a pageant-like competition (Sunshine Boyz) in Vancouver, where he won first place with a free ticket to Taiwan and a contract with a music company as well as a role in a drama. He is currently a student at National Chengchi University, studying Public Finance

TV Shows
Romantic Princess as Nan Feng Cai (CTV, 2007)
The X-Family as Lan Ling Wang / Wang Ya Se (GTV, 2007)
KO One as Wang Ya Se (GTV, 2005)

TV Show Theme Songs
Fahrenheit - Heng Xing (恆星), Rolling Love (2008)
Fahrenheit & S.H.E - Xin Wo, Romantic Princess (2007)
Fahrenheit - Chu Shen Ru Hua, The X-Family (2007)
Fahrenheit - Bu Hui Ai, The X-Family (2007)
Ni Shi Wo Suo You De Hui Yi, The X-Family (2007)
Fahrenheit - Chao Xi Huan Ni, Hua Yang Shao Nian Shao Nu (2006)
Fahrenheit & Hebe - Zhi Dui Ni You Gan Jue, Tokyo Juliet (2006)
Fahrenheit - Yi Ge Ren Liu Lang, KO One (2005)

Sunshine Boyz 2004: Canadian Champion

More Aaron Yan Pictures!!

Aaron Yan Pictures